Monday, January 10, 2011

EDU 202 Spring 2011 Ch. 9 Posts

Post your question, quote, and fact here for Ch. 9.


  1. Fact: In 1915, teachers were not allowed to marry during the course of their contract.

    Quote: "An exhaustive study of teacher salaries conducted by the American Federation of Teacher in 2007 indicated that the average teacher's salary in the United States was $51,009" (288).

    Question: Why does the midwest pay less to beginning teachers? What can we do to change this?

  2. Chapter 9 held alot of information that was very contradictory, in my opinion, to things that I've been told over the past couple years.
    The fact that I found incredible was that most teachers make an average starting salary of $35,284 dollars. While it certainly isnt a ton of money,that is far above what teachers suggest they make. I figured that the average would be around $15,000 dollars not more than 2 times that.
    The quote I found the most interesting is from a teacher of English language learners , she says "I tend to isolate myself.I was at a school that had a lot of problems with discipline. But I found that I could just have my own little world and control that." This quote holds a great deal. The fact that some teachers become lone wolves and do what they can to get by is interesting. Also the fact that they can teach with out the interference of higher ups butting in is interesting.
    The question I came up with is "Why is there a misconception that teachers are under payed? Is it because the work is hard or is it because its a civil service type job and they feel the deserve better?

  3. Question:Why was it in the 1915's teachers, by rule, were not allowed to be in the company of men? but in society now being married and having childern is what being a teacher can be associated with.

    Qoute:" if we get aur act together , and we want something to happen, we can make it happen for the most part, within the confines of what a school will allow."

    Fact:It was not till 1961 that teachers were recognized the right to join the union.

  4. Does tenure allow underperforming teachers to keep their jobs?

    John F. Kennedy said, “Modern cynics and skeptics…see no harm in paying those to whom they entrust the minds of their children a smaller wage than is paid to those whom they entrust the care of their plumbing.”

    A teacher with a master’s degree in education will likely make $10,000 a year more than a coworker with only a bachelor of science in elementary education.

  5. Fact- "A teacher with a master's degree in education will likely make $10,000 a year more than a coworker with only a bachelor of science in elementary education." (289)

    Quote- ..."While I have many enriching and affectionate relationships with colleagues, parents, and administrators (my best friends are teachers), my deepest relationships are with my students." (304,305) I just thought that particular perspective on relationships was awesome!

    Question- Do you see teacher's income increasing or decreasing compared to other professions?

  6. Question: Is is a teacher's responsibility to seek out professional development opportunities?

    Quote: "As out district was likely to have a close contest, it was suggested that my father be 'whipped into line'. The only lash he could be made to feel, they thought, was to threat to remove me"(287).

    Fact: In 2007 the average teacher's salary in the United States was $51,009. The average starting salary was $35,284.

  7. It seems that in Chapter 9 there is a lot of things that impact a teacher the salary, tenure, teachers, students, parents, administration, and many other things. With all of this how does a teacher keep her toes on the line while bending and listening to all the others? After reading I fell grateful for all teachers and how strong they must be to do this. I just hope to be able to handle all of this as well. It makes me very excited.
    While reading I came across tenure. It was talking about how it is the teachers right to keep their job based on good behavior, but then it went on to say how it is a debate and how they are not sure if they want teachers to keep their job security and so forth. Why would that even be an issue? I think it is important for a teacher to keep their jobs and know if they teach a certain way they will not lose their job.
    I found it interesting how northeast pays their students more than another other section and the Midwest pays the least of all. Northeast pays way more than anywhere else.

  8. Question: Are teaching unions big in this area?

    Quote: "Teachers know they are never finished learning. However strong their initial preparation, there is always more to learn--about what to teach and how to teach."

    Fact: A teacher with a master's degree makes an average of $10,000 more per year.

  9. Question- How has teacher worked changed?
    Fact-Most school districts require teachers to join a union.
    Quote-"Modern cynics and skeptics... see no harm in paying those to whom they entrust the minds of their children a smaller wage then is payed to those to whom they entrust the care of their plumbing."

  10. * On Pg. 287 there is a list of rules for teachers in 1915. What I want to know is why were they so strict if they were often getting favors from the father? Also, is there a list like this for the few men teachers?
    * I found it was interesting that teachers had good unions. I guess I never realized that there are unions for teachers.
    * Debora Meier "... Teaching has reinforced my belief in human possibility. I have rarely met a 5-year-old whose intellectual capacity did not astound me..."

  11. Question: How do teachers that have tenure continue to improve as teachers?
    Quote: I think we could learn from each other. Meaning getting ideas from other teachers about how to teach and what to teach.
    Fact: The average teachers salary is 51,000 nationally.

  12. Question: Are teachers getting paid enough for making a future for everyone?

    Quote: “unless it is voices from within the teacher union movement who are driving the call for reforms, there is a great risk that the voices from outside would be viewed as hostile ‘bashing.” I view this as you have to be in a union for your voice to be herd.

    Fact: The first women that worked as teaches, one of the rules were that they had to wear at least 2 petticoats.

  13. Question: How long do you think it will be until teachers salaries start to increase? Or do you think they really will?

    Quote: I think we could learn from each other. Meaning getting ideas from other teachers about how to teach and what to teach.

    Fact: In 1915, teachers were not allowed to marry during the course of their contract.

  14. Question- What are the pros and cons to joining the teachers union?
    Fact- All the rules for teachers in 1915 on page 287.
    Quote- "overwork in overcrowded schoolrooms" pg 287

  15. ?:Should teachers be paid monetary bonuses, as is common in other professions?
    quote: "Nowhere in the United States today does the public school, as a branch of the public service, receive from the public either the moral or financial support needed to enable it properly to perform its important function in the social organism." Margaret Haley
    fact: In 1967, teachers in the United States were paid an average of $6830 per year.

  16. Quote: “We’re just no individuals coming to work. We work together for the kids; we work together as colleagues, too. If I have an idea, I can go to people and say, “I think this might work with what you’re doing.” We communicate as far as what we do in our classrooms. I get a lot of support from the teachers here.”

    1. You will not marry during the term of your contract.

    Question: Is it a teacher’s responsibility to seek out professional development opportunities, or should these be provided by the school or another entity?

  17. Chapter 9 was rather enlightening. I can’t believe all the completely ridiculous rules they had for teachers in 1915. I’m so glad those are no longer used. I was also surprised to learn that in the 1920s and 1930s there were different pay scales for male and female teachers and also for black and white teachers. I have frequently heard people mention “tenure” prior to reading this chapter, but I never knew exactly what it was; I’m still a little foggy on how it exactly works. This chapter made it clear on the importance of building alliances with parents, students, communities, teachers, and administrators. I hope that most teachers are willing to mentor to new teachers!
    Question: How do charter schools work?
    I was drawn to John F. Kennedy’s comment: “Modern cynics and skeptics…see no harm in paying those to whom they entrust the minds of their children a smaller wage than is paid to those to whom they entrust the care of their plumbing.”(289) It is really saddening to think that society would be willing to pay more for maintenance of their toilets than for the foundation of their children’s futures. If the nation cares about the future of its children, why can’t it afford to invest more in the people providing the foundation for these futures?
    Fact: In 2007, the highest salaries were paid in California with an average of $63,640 and the lowest in South Dakota, with a statewide average of $35,378. (289) This is such a huge difference in wages. I went to elementary school in South Dakota and spent most of my childhood there. Throughout the course of this class, I often remember specific elementary teachers who stuck out and made a difference in my life. Therefore, I find this especially appalling.

  18. Question:pg 287 The rules for teachers in 1915 seem so ridiculous to us today. I was wondering what are the current rules for teachers today? Both the written rules and the unwritten or implied rules?
    Quote:pg 300-Deborah Meier- asked if she is still an optomist,"Most days I am! Teaching has reinforced my belief in human possibility. I have rarly met a 5- year old whose intellectional capacity did not astound me. We need schools that challenge this curiosity for all children and for the adults who keep company with them. There is a natural thirst for fairness, as well as for wonderment, curiosity and even empathy that suggests that we will keep trying to become a better world. Losing now and then is not the end of the journey.
    Fact:pg 289- By the 1920's in most major cities the old gender based pay scales, were abolished,though to this day men are more often promoted to the highest-paying adminstrative postions than women.

  19. Question:

    Why where there so many rules for teachers in 1915


    "tenure is usually awarded after a relatively short probationary period, often 3 years" (290).


    Many states require teachers to get there masters degree they have been working 5 years. and they will make 10,000 more a year than a co worker who only has a bachelor.

  20. Question: Are right to work states with unions better off than those who require it?

    Fact: Of 800 teachers 31% identified communicating with parents as the biggest challenge.

    Quote: The substantial benefits offered to teachers in terms of healthcare, pensions, and job security are often far better than those found in many other professions.

  21. Question: Why are teachers so underpaid if they are the ones getting the next generation ready for the future in the real career world?
    Quote:"Teachers know they are never finished learning. However strong their initial preparation, there is always more to learn--about what to teach and how to teach."
    Fact: A teacher that has his or her masters makes up to 10,000 more a year.
