Monday, August 10, 2009

EDU 202 Fall 09 Ch. 1 Post


  1. "What makes a teacher effective? we belive that effective teachers, indeed effective people in many areas of life, succeed in part becasue they are mindful of what they are doing. They reflect on their attitudes and performace, always looking for ways to improve."(P. 3).

    The fact that stood out the most to me in this chapter was the habit of reflection section. I stongly agree that a good teacher has to take the time to reflect upon themselves and their class. They might think they are doing a great job, but reflection time might show them room for improvement.

    Why is it hard to convey a balanced approach to a subject matter?

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  3. When Refering to Figure 1.1 and Table 1.1 in the text book "Those Who Can Teach", what surprised me most is how the value and significance of education to the society has dramatically increased since the 1970s. Also, a survey was taken where 65% of public opionion said that teaching "provides the most important benefit to society." (pg.5)

    Why is teaching and the process of education more significant in this day and age. Also, What would you consider is one major benefit teaching has on our society?

  4. Whitney Seiter--
    Quote~ "Good teachers are born, not made, and you were born with it."
    Interesting fact~ 62% of the public selected teaching as the career that provided "the most benefit to society."
    Question~ The chapter discusses the importance of getting classroom experience to decide if teaching is the right career. I feel like you can't really make that decision until you actually teach which for most education majors isn't until their last few semesters when it is too late to switch majors. Are there other ways to go about getting the experience needed to know for sure teaching is for you?

  5. Britni Robbins

    A quote from the reading in Chapter One I would like to discuss is: “What might be one person’s intrinsic reward, such as taking a busload of students on an overnight fieldtrip to the state capital, is another’s living nightmare.” Pg 7 and 8

    An information fact I have found interesting in the reading is all the different motives that lead individuals to pursue a job in the teaching field. Some of my motives appeared in the reading whereas others didn’t. Some of the motives that were listed I never even thought about but after reading them they made since to me and even become some of my motives.

    A question I had based on the reading is: How do you decide what kind of teacher you are suppose to be? And if you think you know, how do you find out if that is right or not?

  6. Question: Are any of the motives listed on Page 2 "bad" or "faulty" motives of why one should become a teacher?

    Fact: From 1971 to 2006, only a 1% change has been made in the "desire to work with kids" (in the field of teaching)

    Quote: "As a twenty-three year old teacher with sore feet and 28 incredible kids, my explanation reminds me of a song. I had a choice to sit it out or dance. I chose to dance." (Page 4, Thalia Theodore)

  7. Donna Hill EDU 202-02

    A question I would like raised would be "Why do individuals change their minds about teaching?

    A quote from readings I would like to discuss is "Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work" (Aristotle, Greek Philosopher, pg 24)

    An information fact that I found interesting in the text is you really need to understand the profession before entering.

  8. Quote- "The reflective practitioner thinks more throughly and more systematically about his or her experienses."(pg.13) This quote goes along with my question. What are good ways to reflect during our student teaching experiences as a whole? This was interesting to me because I tend to cram every bit of information in my head thinking it will stick. Stopping for a minute and reflecting on what I have learned will help me focus more on my student teaching experiences.

  9. Question:
    Should job opportunity affect what kind of teacher you want to be? Or would changing from what you really want to teach based on which jobs are more available taint your experience as a teacher?

    I thought it was interesting that the poll on page 5 showed that 62% of people felt that teaching benefits society more than being a physician. That was definitely surprising.

    " train and develop human minds and characteristics is the most inspiring work in the world." (Ellen Hyde, page 5)

  10. Question:
    Page 4 states that teacher salaries and benefits should continue to improve in the future. How does the current economy affect this?

    Page 10: "You cannot acquire experience by making experiments. You cannot create experience. You must undergo it." ---Albert Camus

    The case study, found on page 18, greatly sparked my interest. I never thought of double standards in the sense that teachers expect too much out of certain students, while some students are underestimated. It reminds me to work to motivate everyone, not just certain individuals.

  11. Lindsey Heidle
    Fact: I was a little surprised by the poll on pg 5 that said the public put teachers(62%)as the most beneficial to society.

    Quote: Teachers who are strongly motivated by the desire to teach a particular subject matter need to be somewhat cross-eyed.

    Question: What is it about teaching that has kept the answers so similar over 30 years to why someone became a teacher?

  12. The quote I chose that stuck out to me personally was by Aristotle that said "Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work."
    The fact that intrigued me was that teaching ranked the hightest in the profession that provides the most benefit to society.
    The question I have is one of concern for future students I will encounter. A teachers job is to educate their students, how can I connect with each student and make sure I am matching the pace of each child I am teaching?
    Mary Sanders

  13. Question:
    Not every student has the same needs, how does a teacher accomodate the needs of a classroom of 30+ without neglecting others?

    Page 7 - "Why not be a teacher Rich? You'd be a fine teacher. Perhaps a great one." Disappointed, Rich replies, "And if I were, who would know it?" Thomas More then says, "You...your pupils...your friends...God-not a bad public, that."

    Fact:On page 5, a survey stated that the top leading job with a benefit to society is teaching with 62% of the vote.

  14. Quotation:
    "Why not be a teacher Rich? You'd be a fine teacher. Perhaps a great one." Disappointed, Rich replies, "And if I were, who would know it?" Thomas Moore then says, "You... your pupils... your friends... God-not a bad public, that."

    When asked, "which of eight professions provides the most important benefit to society?" Sixty two percent of the people surveyed said a Teacher.

    Should only teacher’s “with a true sense of calling” be the only people to teach?

  15. Question: On page 21 they talk about what the public thinks about teachers. The public supposedly really likes and appreciates what teachers are doing. This section makes the public seem like they are very benefitical to the society. If all this is true why does the public and media go crazy and become obessed with stories of teachers who messed up. This bad press makes all teachers look bad and if society really cared about teachers they would not do this.

    Fact: "Figure 1.1 shows the result of a public opinion survey that asked which of eight prfessions (including physician, lawyer, nurse, and journalist, among others) 'provides the most important benefit to society.' Respondents put teaching first, but close to a four-to-one margin over physicians (62 percent versus 17 percent).

    Quote: "To many teachers, the greatest satisfaction derived from teaching is the sense that they are doing important work for the common good."

  16. Quote: "To hear lessons and control restless children six hours a day through thirty-six weeks in a year is wretched drudgery, but to train and develop human minds and characters is the most inspiring work in the world" (Ellen Hyde).

    I think an interesting bit from the reading was illustrated in Figure 1.2 on pg. 22. This chart shows that over half of all administrators believe the quality of new teachers have improved or has at least stayed the same.

    Question: How good of a teacher will one be if their motivation for becoming an educator is to have a safety net for the future if other options don't play out?

    Meagan Murphy

  17. Alisha Neidinger

    Question- On pg 7 of "Those who can Teach" the book says, "Teachers have daily flesh-and-blood testaments to the importance their service directly in front of them." How does that compare to the teacher at the beginning of the chapter on pg 2 that regretted ever becoming a teacher.
    Discussion Quote- "Do you have to be born with it do be a good teacher? Is it true that some people are just not made for teaching, or can anyone learn what it takes?"
    Fact- Within first two years of teaching will meet someone that regrets not being a teacher and someone that regrets becoming a teacher.

  18. Fact: "Students who plan to be teachers should test their commitment to teaching by putting themselves in actual school situations."

    Question: What should someone do if they cannot decide if they want to teach a the elementary level or the high school level? How do they reach a decision?

    Quote: "The best prize life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."
    -Theodore Roosevelt

  19. Lacy King

    Fact: 42% of people said that their reason for deciding to teach was the value or significance of education to society.

    Quote: "Those who educate children well are more honored than they who produce them; for these only give them life, those the art of living well"- Aristotle

    Question: Why is it that the people who are educating the children of tomorrow to give them brighter futures are being paid less than those who dribble a basketball or score touchdowns for a living?

  20. Question:
    The book makes reference about the growing numbers of teachers, dedicted teachers more precisely. Table 1.1 and figure 1.2 show that the teachers in schools today are more influential, sincere, and have a drive to be in their school, teaching the children. These numbers have been rising since the 1970's. Does this relate to women having more career options? Do we now have male and female teachers who actually want to teach, not just because they had little say in their career? In the 1960's, women had 4 choices: Flight attendant, teacher, nurse, or secretary. Is it now that men are not being judged for having a "woman's career"? Is it now that women are teaching because they truly and sincerely wish to?

    "Being in the classroom is still an adrenaline rush. I put in twelve-hour days without thinking twice. I cannot go to a store, museum, or park without thinking how I might apply what I see to my classroom. The joy of teaching, itself, drives me. That, I think, is the it. Whether you can learn it or have to be born with it, I still cannot say."

    Britney Johnson

  21. Corey White

    Question: What are the three best things about about a career in teaching? and why do people think teachers have it so easy when they do not spend as much time at work as most people do?

    Quote: "The sole advantage of power is that you can do more good". -Baltasar Gracian, the art of Wordly Wisdom, 1647

    Fact: New Teacher's responses - an impressive 96 percent reported that they are involved in work that they love, and 97 percent were convinced that they were doing important work for the good of society

  22. Billy Jones -
    Fact: Secondary schools teachers, who focus on a partcular subject matter and may see as many as 150 students in a day, identify wokring with students as an important attraction but not always to the same degree as their elementary school counterparts do.

    Quote: "will I be happy" Will this career provide me with a satifying lifestyle?" Will I be up to the challenge, and will I find the work satifying?" Will I grow in the experience?"

    Question: My question comes from page 4. Why do teachers salaries do not compare to the majortiy of other jobs? We do get a college degree and do specialized training, so why is the pay so less?

  23. Megan Lofgren

    Question: They say teachers are the most beneficial individuals to society but why doesn't their salary match that of what they are doing for the society compared to doctors or lawyers?

    Quote: "The best prize life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing" -Theodore Roosevelt

    Fact: Nearly three out of five (58%) teenagers surveyed mentioned teachers when researchers asked them to tell who or what had influenced them to become the kinds of people they are.

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  25. Have media representations of teachers lead real life teachers to feel like failures or to feel disatified when their classes are not constantly fun and exciting?

    "As sometimes happens with reforms, educational and otherwise, the processes introduced to the classroom by these reformers gradually degenerated into empty forms." (Pg. 20)

    The influence of family as a reason for deciding to become a teacher has gone down from 21% in 1971 to 19% in 2006.

    -Ali Dalsing

  26. Fact: A national survey showed that 62% of people thought that teaching was the profession that was most beneficial to society. (Fig. 1.1, p. 6)

    Quotation: At twenty-two, I graduated Phi Beta Kappa. I had choices at my fingertips: law school, grad school... corporate America here I come! Adults swelled their chests with pride. My peers practiced the "on my way to a lexus" shuffle. Then the question: "And what are your plans after graduation?" Answer: "I'm moving to New York to teach elementary school in the South Bronx." (p. 6)

    Question: Why is it that people in general feel that teachers are one of the most beneficial parts of society (As seen in figure 1.1), and yet the job is considered to be a step below that of being a doctor or lawyer?

    Logan Burgess

  27. Dustyn Holland

    Why is it that we live in a society where there is more emphasis on temporal objects (finances, etc.) than on lasting influences (people)?

    "People are often so busy experiencing things, or getting ready to experience them, that they fail to truly reflect on what they have done in a manner that will ensure that they get the most from the experience." (pg. 12)

    Teachers work six to seven hours a day for fewer than half the days of the year.

  28. Katie Brown--One of the main quetion and quotes it gives us is "why teach?". if we could ask our fav teachers in school what would they say.
    helping students and being a roll model to grow up to is a big responsiblity as any job. as teachers it gives us the stastics and percents one what improvments have been made, need to be make us better teachers. as teachers we stide to help that class or that childunderstand and learn to get the best scores possible. As teachers we are looked aat as our averages for that....working with children and parents of all race, religion, and ethnic backgrounds and believes also help us grow and learn.
    As teachers as any other job we are certiced on our teaching what is some of the areas that they look at?

  29. A question I would like to raise is why does does the media distort the profession of educators?

    Quote: Leslie Swetnam has reported on how the media-particularly film and television twist the public's image of the teacher.

    I found it interesting that the principle reason people become teachers is the desire to work with young people and has not changed much in over 30 years.

  30. Alicia Bell

    * When the public was asked who provided the most benefit to society Teachers had the highest selection over physcians and lawyers, but teachers don't make no where near as much money for their great input on society.. Why is that?
    * "To many teachers, the greatest satisfaction derived from teaching is the sense that they are doing important work for the common good. This realization buoys them up and helps them tolerate the less attractive aspects of teaching."
    *"The public when asked which group provided " the most benefit to society" percent selected teachers, while on 17 percent selected physicians (the second choice). Only 5 percent chose people in business, 3 percent chose lawayers, and only 1 percent chose jounalists and politicians. "

  31. Quote: Because teachers are not always rewarded for their individual ob performance or for their expertise, feelings of competition are less prevalent than among occupational groups such as sales people or lawyers, who must establish and attempt to grow their clientele. To of pg.8

    Question: Why would people say teachers have power?

    Fact: It's a good thing that quality has improved 52%

  32. Question:Why do teachers change their minds about teaching?

    Quote: "To many teachers, the greatest satisfaction derived from teaching is the sense that they are doing important work for the common good."

    Fact: When asked, "which of eight professions provides the most important benefit to society?" Sixty two percent of the people surveyed said a Teacher.

  33. Dustyn Holland

    When did society change its values when it comes to the education of children?

    "What do we really want from our schools?... Given the public's muddled feelings about brainwork (which is what excellence refers to0 and the parental indifferenc up to now about what their children are being taught, the school has a double fight on its hands: against ignorance inside the wall and against cultural prejudice outside..." (pg 38)

    There are many different approaches to schooling depending on the age group.

  34. Are the motives like " I didnt know what else to do with my degree" good movtives for becoming a teacher?

    "The sole advantage of power is that you can do more good."- Baltasar Garcian

    To many teachers, the greatest satisfaction derived from taching is the sense that they are doing important work for the common good. It also helps them weigh out and tolerate the less attractive aspects of teaching.

  35. Fact- the number one reason to become a teacher from 1971 to 2006 has remained the desire to work with children
    Quote- "You cannot acquire experience by making experiments. You cannot create experience. You must under go it." Albert Camus
    Question- Why are there so many issues with school admin.? Is it because of state laws or school regulations?
