Monday, August 10, 2009

EDU 202 Fall 09 Ch. 11 Post


  1. Billy Jones,

    Quote: " A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has" Joan Beck

    Fact: The parent teacher Teacher Association is a loosely knit national organization with almost 6 million members and more than 26,000 local units.

    Question: How much power should the superintendant have over the principal?

  2. Lacy King

    Question: Do you think it would benefit schools or hurt them to rely less on local property taxes to fund their schools?

    Quote: "A parent is the most important teacher a child will ever have"- Joan Beck

    Fact: In a national survey of public school teachers, 22% identified a lack of parental involvement as a serious problem.

  3. Fact: Seventy-nine percent of teachers in the U.S. are women, but only twenty percent of all U.S. superintendendents are female.

    Quote: A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has

    Question: Parents are obviously a very important part of a child's education, yet it's an ongoing battle of who is most responsible for student learning - - the teacher or the parents?? Which is the most responsible and why?

  4. Quote: A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has.

    Fact: Parents are their childrens first and primary teachers and the only ones who follow a child's progress from year to year.

    Question: A question I keep exploring from chapter to chapter is how do you, as the teacher, get parents excited abotu their child's education, especially if they are unattached and resistant?

  5. Quote: "A parent is the most important teacher a child will ever have."

    Fact: More than 100,000 business-school partnerships have been formed since 1983, and business has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to improve elementary and secondary schools.

    Question: How do I gain access to what ads and such they are showing to my children in school?

  6. Fact~ 79% of teachers in the U.S. are women, but only 20% of all U.S. superintendents are female.
    Quote~ "A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has."
    Question~ How can teachers work together with the PTA, without letting the members have total control of what goes on in the classroom?

  7. Question-What role do you think the federal government should play in compensating for educational disadvantages that result from living in poverty?

    Quote- "A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has." -Joan Beck

    Fact- Currently state governments contribute about 48%, local governments provide approximately 43%, and federal goverments provide about 9% of the financing of public schools.

  8. Question: Why is that some parents, seem to, "don't care" about their childs education?

    Quote: A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has. --Joan Beck, American author on child raising

    Fact: Early intervention programs, such as Head Start, target children who are at-risk of school failure by intervening in their early years to improve skills. --Laura Dwight

  9. Quote: "A parent is the most important teacher a child has." Joan Beck

    Fact: In a national survey of public school teachers, 22% identified a lack of parental involvement as a serious problem.

    Question: Do you see a problem with each state having the responsibility of its public schools? Explain.

  10. Fact: 79% of teachers in the U.S. are women, but only 20% of all U.S. superintendents are female.

    Quote: "A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has." -Joan Beck

    Question: Why is funding such a big issue in the school systems?

  11. Fact- 79% of teachers in the U.S. are women but only 20% of all U.S. superintendents are female.

    Question- How do you deal with parents that 'don't care' about their childrens education?

    Quote- " A parent is the most important teacher a child will ever have." Joan Beck

  12. Fact: At least 83 percent of all school board members have annual family incomes exceeding $50,000.

    Quote: "Just as war is too important to be left to the generals, education is too important to be left to the educators."
    -Paul Woodring-

    Question: In your opinion, should chief state school officers be elected or appointed?
    page 372

  13. Quote: "Golden Rule: Whoever has the gold makes the rules."

    Question: Should the school boards try to become more diverse? If the school boards were more diverse, would they come up with different solutions to problems than the ones made today?

    Fact: "In a national survey of public school teachers, 22 percent identified a lack of parental involvement as a serious problem."

  14. Question:
    In today's society why are the positions of superintendent and pricipal so dominantly held by white males? Is this a product of modern day racism/sexism or do people of other races and females just not aplly for those position as often?

    85% of school board members are white. 61% of school board members are men.

    "In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards." - Mark Twain

  15. katie brown
    Quote:" In the first place, God made idiots. That was practice. Then he made school boards."
    Mark Twain
    ??: Why do u think the percentage of women is low in the U.S. for becoming superintendents?

    fact:Golden Rule: Whoever has the gold makes the rules.

  16. Alicia Bell

    QUOTE: "A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has."

    Question: How do you help childrens get more help from the parents that aren't as involved or as concerned with their children's education?

    FACT: In a national survey of public school teachers, 22 percent identified a lack of parental involvement as a serious problem.

  17. Ali Dalsing

    Fact: Public schools are organized and run by the state government by right of the 10th amendment.

    Quote: "Just as war is too important to be left to the generals, education is too important to be left to the educators."

    Some teachers don't want to involve parents because they worry the parents will try to take over the classroom or change lesson plans, is this worry valid?

  18. Quote: "A parent is the most important teacher a child will ever have."

    Fact: more than 83% of school board members have family incomes exceeding $50,000.

    Question: What can be done to ensure that all walks of life are represented on a school board, not just the voices of the wealthy?

    Logan Burgess

  19. Quote: In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards

    Question: How should the goverment play a roll in "less than stellar" school districts with less financial aid and resources? Should students be penalized just because of the location of their school?

    Fact: The local school boards represent the citizens of the district in setting up a school program

  20. Quote: "In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards" -Mark Twain

    Fact: The bood said that most school board members are not educational experts. I found this interesting because they are making decisions about a child education, but they have no idea of how to do it properly.

    Question: How can school board members effectively govern schools if they have no knowledge of educational principles and theories?

  21. Fact: The policy making body of a school district is the local school board.

    Quote:" A Parent is the most important teacher a child ever has." -Joan Beck-

    Question: How does school spending effect a Childs education?

  22. Q. "In the first palce, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards."
    F. As administrators, principals usually interview prospectiv faculty members and make faculty assignments, supervise and evaluate staff members, schedule students, and class, manageschool budgets, administer district discipline policies, and procure and dispense supplies.
    q.Why are most elementry teachers women, and why are school bords mostly men?

  23. Quote- “A parent is the most important teacher a child ever had” Joan Beck

    Fact- Head start is a program that focuses on improving the leaning skills, social skills, and health of preschoolers, poor children so they can get a good start on school so they will be caught up with the other children their age.

    Question- What would happen if schools couldn’t get enough funding to stay open and they were the only school in that community?

  24. Quote: "The classroom is. . .a place in which the claims of various political, social, and economic interests are negotiated. The classroom is both a symbol and a product of deadly serious cultural bargaining." ---Neil Postman

    Fact: "Head Start has served more than 24 million children in total, and it currently supports more than 900,000 children."

    Question: How different would U.S. public schools be if they were funded by a branch of the central government?

  25. Quote: “The classroom is… a place in which the claims of various political, social, and economic interests are negotiated. The classroom is both symbol and product of deadly serious cultural bargaining.”

    Fact: 80 percent of superintendents are males, 78.8 percent of High School Principals are males, 66.8 percent of Junior High and Middle School Principals are males, and 44.8 Elementary School Principals are males.

    Question: How can we change the stats of the Fact above? We could use more woman higher up in the system, instead we are placed in elementary schools like it’s our place to be with the younger children.

  26. Question:What difference does it make how much of our GDP we are spending on public schools compared to other countries? When we are so different there is no way to get an accurate comparison.
    Quote:"Just as war is too important to be left to the generals, education is too important to be left to the educators." In other words those who know what is going on don't get to call the shots.
    Fact:Mexico spends almost the same percentage of its gdp on education as does the United States.

  27. Quote-" A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has" -Joan Beck

    Fact- in 2007 about 30 percent of the nations twelve to eighteen year olds were watching channel one in school.

    Question- Why do many educators think Channel one is gross commercialism? I loved it as a teen and I am sure most would agree.
