Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spring 10 Ch. 1 Posts

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. What are some wrong motives for teaching?

    Quote:The best prize life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.-Theodore Roosevelt

    Fact:96% of teachers say it is work they love to do. Table 1.2 P.24

  2. Question: Are good teachers born, made, or can these special qualities they are born with be "made" into greater qualities that help them excel in becoming a good techer?

    Quote: "Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present." - English Proverb

    Fact: 3 out of 5 (58 percent)teenagers surveyed metioned teachers when researchers asked them to tell who or what had influenced them to become the kinds of people they are today.

    62 percent of the public opinion agrees that the teaching profession provide the most benifit to society. Figure 1.1, pg. 5

  3. Question: What qualities define a good teacher? Is the desire to work with children enough to become a teacher?

    Quote: "The sole advantage of power is that you can do more good."-Baltasar Gracian

    Fact: 75% of teachers said that teaching was a life lon choice, and 80% of teachers said that they would choose teaching again if starting over. Table 1.2, pg. 24

  4. Question: How do you know if you have what it takes to be a good teacher before going through 4 years of school?

    Quote: "To hear lessons and control resless children six hours a day through thirty-six weeks in a year is wretched drudgery, but to train and develop human minds and characters is the most inspiring work in the world" -Ellen Hyde

    Fact: Public opinion shows that out of 8 different professions teaching ranked highest in importance, even over physicians.

  5. Question: When teaching students such as those in the "curriculum II" class from the reading, how does a teacher find the balance between setting low expectations and having impossibly high standards?

    Quote: Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work

    Fact: Teachers were rated "the most believable when speaking out on public issues" above armed forces, national experts, and community activists.

  6. Question: Why, if teachers are said to be "the most bvenefit to society" (according to page 21) do we get paid so little?

    Quote: "To hear lessons and control resless children six hours a day through 36 weeks in a year is wretched drudgery, but to train and develop human minds and characters is the most inspiring work in the world." -Ellen Hyde

    Fact: Teaching is rarely known for its extrinsic rewards. It's fairly obvious why it would be more known for it's intrinsic rewards.

  7. Question: Do you think awarding a grade for citizenship in school is a good idea?

    Quote: "You cannot acquire experience by making experiments. you must undergo it."
    -Albert Camus

    Fact: According to the national credibility index, when asked which people were "the most believable when speaking out on public issues", teachers were rated the highest, above members of the armed forced, national experts, and community activists.

  8. Question: What does the punlic say about teachers and teaching?

    Quote:"the role of the teacher remains the highest calling of a free people. To the teacher, America entrusts her most precious, her children; and asks that they be prepared, in all their glorious diversity, to face the rigors of individual participation in a democratic society." -Shirley Hifstedler

    Fact:The public rates a teachers qualifications to have the greatest impact on student learning over class size, socieconomic status of family, or family involvement.

  9. Question: Is being a good teacher something you're born with or something a student teacher learns during training?

    Quote: "I love to learn in order that I might teach; and I get no joy from learning anything if I alone am to know about it." - Seneca

    Fact: Only 9 percent of educators believe the quality of the teaching force is declining.

  10. Quote:
    "The great teacher, however, like the great lover, knows how to draw out another's interest and help students 'fall in love.'" p16

    Interesting info:
    The second case study's attention on the "good citizen" vs. the "good student."

    How sure does a prospective teacher need to be about teaching as a career?

  11. Question: Would people that are good with children necessarily make good teachers to begin with?

    Quote: "To hear lessons and control restless children six hours a day through thirty-six weeks in a year is wretched drudgery, but to train and develop human minds and characters is the most inspiring work in the world." - Ellen Hyde.

    Interesting fact: When polled, 62 percent of Americans said that "teacher" is the profession that provides the greatest benefit to society.

  12. Question: Are teachers are as important as the book makes them out to be; or is the author trying to appeal to us? Are there any case studies or other information that proves otherwise?

    Quote: "I love to learn in order that i might teach; and I get no joy from learning anything if I alone am to know about it. -Seneca, Roman Philosopher p, 15

    Interesting Fact: When surveyed many agree that "an effective teacher" is an "important factor in a good education." -Crew,top of p 22

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. -Most of us realize that the teacher's pay (on average) isn't the most outstanding, and so many know that teachers should receive a way better pay for the work they do. So why don't teachers earn more?

    -"Most new teachers are highly motivated professionals who bring a strong sense of commitment and high morale to their work." -A Sense of Calling: Who Teaches and Why. (page 23)

    -Nearly 3 out of 5 (58 percent) teenagers surveyed mentioned teachers when researchers asked them to tell who or what had influenced them to become the kinds of people they are. (page 7)

  15. - How do you know if you are born to be a teacher? and if so, what makes you a "good" teacher?

    - " Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only give them life, those the art of living well."
    Aristotle, Pg 19

    - When asked to select which group provided "the most benefit to society," 62 percent selected teachers, while only 17 percent selected physicians ( the second choice). Only 5 percent chose people in business, 3 percent chose lawyers, and only 1 percent chose journalists and politicians.

  16. -Do you ever find out what the "it" is that is mentioned in "voices from the classroom"?
    -"Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for those only give them life, those the art of living well." Aristotle pg 19.
    -Americans said that "teacher" is the profession that provides the greatest benefit to society.

  17. Question: The name of the chapter is "Why Teach?" so that's my question, why do you want to teach?

    Quote: "You cannot acquire experience by making experiments, you cannot create experience. You must undergo it." - Alber Camus (pg. 10)

    Fact: The fact that I found most interesting to me was that when ask "Which group provided "the most benefit to society?"" teachers were at a very high percentage. (62 percent for teachers, and only 17 percent for physicians.)(pg. 5)

  18. Question: If the public has a relatively high expectations of teachers then why does it seem like teachers aren't getting paid what they should.

    Quote: "Anyone who claims that teachers do not have power has forgotten what it was like to go to school without having done the assigned homework and to sit in fear of being called on be Mrs. Gocha."

    Fact: " A stunning 98% of superintendents and principals surveyed agreed with the descriptions of their new teachers as " motivated" and "energetic."

  19. Crystel Walsh
    EDU 202/203 - MWSU - Spring 2010 - Dr. Hendrix

    Monday, January 25, 2010

    1. Learning from both the 'school of hard knocks' and methodical studies, when will I feel a sense of expertise in the field of education from which I teach? Perhaps, it is when I feel this that I am at my weakest and most ignorant? (txtbk. p. 11, chpt. 1)

    2. "The power of the teacher is not a dollars-and-cents power, like that possessed by a corporate chief executive officer, but any individual who can make another's day or ruin another's year has power." (txtbk. p. 6, chpt.1)

    3. Like a pianist moving through a favorite sonata or a lawyer cross-examining a witness, teachers often draw their deepest satisfactions from the act of applying their craft. (txtbk. p. 8, chpt. 1)

  20. Crystel Walsh
    EDU 202/203 - MWSU - Spring 2010 - Dr. Hendrix

    Assignment: Chpt. 2; Wednesday, January 27, 2010

    1. Given the quality and decline therein of public education in America, is home-schooling and/or private (privately funded) schools the answer and better alternative? Why or why not?

    2. "All of us have two (2) educations: one which we receive from others; another, and the most valuable, which we give ourselves." -John Randolph, 19th-Century U.S. Congressman (txtbk. p. 31, Chpt. 2)

    3. A national survey of middle-grade practice and trends around U.S. enrolled seventh-grade students (7th-graders) in about thirty (30) different grade spans. (txtbk. p. 44, Chpt. 2)

  21. 1. Is a passion for learning, love of children, and desire to spread a passion for learning what you would consider good motives? What defines good motives for wanting to be a teacher?

    2. "The best prize life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."
    -Theodore Roosevelt

    3. When asked to select which group provided "the most benefit to society," 62 percent selected teachers, while only 17 percent selected physicians (the second choice).

  22. Quote: "As parents or potential parents, they need to know a great deal to be INTELLIGENT PARTNERS with the schools in their children's education."

    Question: How can a parent be effectively involved with their child's education?

    Fact: Teachers that push their students are the ones that make the most impact on those students.

  23. fact: "When polled, 62 percent of Americans said that 'teacher' is the profession that profession that provides the greatest benefit to society." (textbook, page 2)

    quote: "The sole advantage of power is that you can do more good."
    -Baltasar Gracian

    question: What made you consider teaching as a career?

  24. Chapter 1
    Why does teaching often attrct people?

    "A man of humanity is one who, in seeking to establish himself, finds a foothold for others and who, desiring attainment for himself, helps others to attain."

    Civilization itself requires that we be able to capitalize on the experiences of others.
