Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spring 10 Ch. 11 Posts

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. Crystel Walsh

    EDU 202 / 203 -- MWSU -- Spring 2010 -- Dr. Hendrix

    Assignment: Chpt. 11; Due: Wednesday, March 10, 2010

    1. Traditionally, public schools were and still are governed by federal and state board of education departments/affiliates of the U.S. Gov’t, influenced by political game and warfare, and financed, supposedly, largely by taxpayers of locality. In contrast, while the private schools were/are governed and influenced by the same authorities and in quite the same manner as that of the public schools, private schools must include and incorporate the board(s) who fund such institutions. However, in more recent day, privatization is answering the call to the ever-growing concern of education quality in America. While financing has, usually, been strictly funded through government entities, parents, donations, and/or investment contributors, the idea of privately owned public schools is successfully becoming a reality. In knowing this, is it more beneficial to teach in the public or private sector? Why or why not? (Txtbk. Chpt. 11)

    2. “A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has.” -Joan Beck, American Author on Child Raising (Txtbk. p. 373, Chpt. 11)

    3. Among the most controversial business ventures in schools is Channel One, a commercial service that delivers ten minutes of news programming directly to public school classrooms free of cost in exchange for two minutes of advertising. (ref. (Txtbk. p. 375, Chpt. 11)

  2. Chapter 11
    Who legally governs public education?

    "A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has." Joan Beck

    Family support and emphasis on the value of education are extremely important on a child's success in school pg 374

  3. Do strategies used to increase parental involvement usually result in success?

    "A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has." -Joan Beck, American Author on Child Raising

    Researchers are predicting a shortage of principals in U.S. schools in the coming years. (page 371)

  4. Fact: Only 20% of all U.S. superintendents are female.

    Quote: "Just as war is too important to be left to the generals, education is too important to be left to the educators." -Paul Woodring

    Question: How important is parent support?

  5. Question: why are there not very many male teachers?

    Quote: "In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards." - Mark Twain

    Fact: 79% of teachers in the U.S. are women but only 20% of all U.S. superintendents are female.

  6. What do you consider to be the most important influence on American public education?

    "The classroom is ... a place in which the claims of various political, social, and economic interests are negotiated. The classroom is both a symbol and a product of deadly cultural bargaining." Neil Postman

    In s national survey of public school teachers, 22 percent identified a lack of parental involvement as a serious problem.

  7. 61% of school board members are male and 39% are female.

    "A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has."-Joan Beck

    Is channel one a positive or negative influence in schools?

  8. Question: Do the benefits of Channel One outweigh its drawbacks?

    Quote: "A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has." - Joan Beck

    Fact: Seventy-nine percent of teachers in the United States are women.

  9. Question: Why is a high school principal considered the hardest job in public education?

    Quote: "A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has"
    -Joan Beck

    Fact: The department of education is a significant part of the federal government, with the cabinet-level status and a budget of slightly more than $59 billion in fiscal year 2008.

  10. Question: With the Federal Government stepping up financial contributions in recent years, how involved in schools should they be? How much involvement is too much?

    Quote: A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has. Joan Beck pg. 373

    Fact: seventy-nine percent of teachers in the United States are women, but only 20 percent of all U.S. superintendents are female. pg. 363

  11. Question: Which programs have provided the most benefits for our schools that have been funded by the federal government?

    Quote: A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has. -Joan Beck

    Fact: The Federal Government's share of support for public eduction fell from 9.8 percent in 1980 to 6.1 percent in 1990, although by 2007 the percentage had climbed back to 8.9.

  12. Quote:

    The classroom is both a symbol and a product of deadly serious cuoltural bargaining.


    The average per pupil amount for Missouri is $7000.


    Why AREN'T teachers on the school board?

  13. -Do you think that more places like Headstart should be available? Should they be federal programs also?
    -71% of teachers in the U.S. are women, but only 20% of all U.S. superintendents are female
    -"A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has."-Joan Beck pg 373

  14. Question: Why is it in todays society that white males tend to continue to dominate higher profile jobs in school administration?
    Quote:"conflict is-and always has been the essence of the superintendency."
    Fact:only 20% of the nations superintendents are female.

  15. Question: In this chapter of the book- No Child Left Behind merely talks about the funding for Title 1 schools. What else does this organization do?

    Quote: "A parent is the most important teacher a child ever had." - Joan Beck

    Fact: A class action suit, Serrano v. Priest, charged that California's school-financing scheme was unconstitutional.

  16. Quote: "A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has." -Joan Beck

    Question: Would it ever be possible to completely privatize education? What would the repurcussions be, either positive or negative?

  17. Quote: Just as war is too important to be left to the generals, education is too important to be left to the educators. - Paul Woodring

    Fact: 94.9% of superintendents are white, 5.4% are of differnt ethnic backgrounds.

    Question: Do you agree with the authors of this book when they say high school principals have the hardest job in public education? Why or why not?

  18. Quote: In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. The he made school boards.

    Question: What is job security like for education administrators? The text speaks of high turnover rates for superintindents and mentions principals not having tenure. This makes them seem like somewhat risky careers to pursue.

    Fact: Almost 95 percent of superindents are white.

  19. Fact: 78% of teachers in america are female

    Quote: " A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has."

    Question: Why do you think there are so much more female teachers than male?

  20. - How are a majority of schools financed?

    - "just as war is too important to be left to the generals, education is too important to be left to the educators."

    - only 20% of our nations superintendents are female.

  21. Question: Do you think your past teachers did the right things or do things right?

    Quote: Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing - Abraham Lincoln

    Fact:Forty-five states require aspiring teachers to pass a state-prescribed,standardized tests.

  22. Quote: "A parent is the most important teacher a child ever has."-Joan Beck

    Question: What groups influence education?

    Fact: Federal contributions for public education range from 16% to 3%.
