Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spring 10 Ch. 2 Posts

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. What has been the most important thing you learned in school? P.33

    Quote:Expecting all children the same age to learn from the same materials is like expecting all children the same age to wear the same size clothing.
    -Madeline Hunter

    Fact:The average child will spend more than 7,000 hours in elementary school (including kindergarten) by the end of sixth grade. By the time a student graduates from high school, this amount of time will total 14,000 hours-the equivalent of watching 10,000 full length movies!

  2. Question: How would high schools adapt to the twenty-first century if their setup is closer to the 1890's?

    Quote: "All of us have two educations: one which we receive from others; another, and the most valuable, which we give ourselves." -John Randolph

    Fact: Recent test results in math and reading in all 50 states show that "between 1999 and 2004, elementary school students made solid gains in reading and math, while middle school students made smaller gains in math and stagnated in reading."

  3. Question: Things such as high exectations, strong teacher communication, and keeping time spent disciplining students to a minimum are goals of all schools. How are effective schools able to accomplish these things to a greater degree than lesse effective schools?

    Quote: "Expecting all children the same age to learn from the same materials is like expecting all children the same age to wear the same size clothing." - Madeline Hunter

    Fact: The classroom experience in High Schools are very similar to that of the 1890s.

  4. - What are the differences between education and schooling?

    - "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
    Mark Twain, Pg 32

    - The average child will spend more than 7,000 hours in an elementary school (including kindergarten) by the end of the sixth grade. By the end of high school, this amound of time will total 14,000 hours.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Question: Can a school be ineffective even if it displays the certain characteristics outlined in the reading? Can a school be effective without these characteristics?

    Quote: 'Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to the next.' -Gilbert K. Chesterton

    Fact: In a recent 2005 survey of nearly 1,500 recent graduates, just 24% of these graduates said they were significantly challenged during high school. 20% of the graduates said 'expectations were low and it was easy to slide by.'

  7. Question: How would you describe a regular day in an elementary classroom?

    Quote: "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
    -Mark Twain

    Fact: Including kindergarten, the average child by the end of sixth grade will spend more than 7,000 hours in elementary school.

  8. Quote:

    "'...the school has a double fight on its hands: against ignorance inside the walls and against cultural prejudice outside, the predjudive lying so deep that those who harbor it do not even know its there..."' -Barzun, p 32


    Which purpose of school is the most important?

    Interesting Info:

    The definitions of schooling and educating were sort of explained, however, I had never heard these before and known the difference.

  9. Question: What do you think is the most important purpose of a school?

    Quote:"The great aim of education is not knowledge but action." - Herbert Spencer

    Interesting Fact: That education is not just schooling.

  10. Crystel Walsh
    EDU 202/203 - MWSU - Spring 2010 - Dr. Hendrix

    Monday, January 25, 2010

    1. Learning from both the 'school of hard knocks' and methodical studies, when will I feel a sense of expertise in the field of education from which I teach? Perhaps, it is when I feel this that I am at my weakest and most ignorant? (txtbk. p. 11, chpt. 1)

    2. "The power of the teacher is not a dollars-and-cents power, like that possessed by a corporate chief executive officer, but any individual who can make another's day or ruin another's year has power." (txtbk. p. 6, chpt.1)

    3. Like a pianist moving through a favorite sonata or a lawyer cross-examining a witness, teachers often draw their deepest satisfactions from the act of applying their craft. (txtbk. p. 8, chpt. 1)

  11. Crystel Walsh
    EDU 202/203 - MWSU - Spring 2010 - Dr. Hendrix

    Assignment: Chpt. 2; Wednesday, January 27, 2010

    1. Given the quality and decline therein of public education in America, is home-schooling and/or private (privately funded) schools the answer and better alternative? Why or why not?

    2. "All of us have two (2) educations: one which we receive from others; another, and the most valuable, which we give ourselves." -John Randolph, 19th-Century U.S. Congressman (txtbk. p. 31, Chpt. 2)

    3. A national survey of middle-grade practice and trends around U.S. enrolled seventh-grade students (7th-graders) in about thirty (30) different grade spans. (txtbk. p. 44, Chpt. 2)

  12. Why is it that so many schools throughout the U.S. have different grade-clustering patterns? Why not decide on one pattern that seems to work best and apply it to all schools?

    "When inner city students and their access to the range of services provide a realistic expectation that education will lead to better jobs, life, and future, as is expected in most middle-class and affluent homes, then the students will have a reason to make an educational effort. Realistic expectations that education will make a substantial, positive difference in the lives of their students may also motivate teachers and other school staff to a higher level of performance. At that point teachers, principals, and a quality curriculum can more easily make a difference in the lives of the inner city poor." -Jean Anyon (page 40)

    Delayed gratification and denied desire are learned in school, and a certain amount of student frustration is bound to develop. (page 44)

  13. Question: If schools are supposed to run with society, and they feel that most schools are lagging behind, what changes do these schools need to make to catch up?

    Quote: "Expecting all children the same age to learn from the same materials is like expecting all children the same age to wear the same size clothing."-Madeline Hunter, pg.50

    Fact: Schools serving younger students had a larger percentage of self-contained classrooms, whereas middle schools showed a greater percentage of departmentalized staffing. pg.45

  14. -If you get an education at school, then how are schooling and eduaction different?
    -"Education is simply the soul of a society as is passes from one generation to another." -Gilbert K. Chesterton pg 34
    -By the time that a student graduates from high school they have spent 14,000 hours in school.

  15. Question: Why is so much emphasis put on High School students but not nearly as much on elementary?

    Quote: "Americas High Schools are obsolete" p 47

    Fact: "...39% of those students who were attending college had gaps in their preparation for the expectations of college."

  16. Question: What social skills are learned from the school setting?

    Quote: "All of us have two educations: one which we receive from others; another, and the most valuable, which we give ourselves." - John Randolf (p.31)

    Fact: The average child spends more than 7,000 hours in elementary school. (K-5) (p.30)

  17. Question: What are the Philosophical Foundations of american Education?

    Quote: "Expecting all children the same age to learn from the same materials is like expecting all children the same age to wear the same size clothing."-Madeline Hunter

    Fact:In a 2005 survey of nearly 1,500 recent graduates, "just 24% of graduates said they were challenged during high school. Twenty percent of these high school graduates said the expectations were low and it was easy to slide by." (p.47)

  18. Question: Is it the school's job to socialize a student if the parents do a poor job?

    Quote: "I have never let my schooling get in the way of my education." - Mark Twain

    Fact: If a child does not miss a day of school, he or she spends more than 1,000 hours in school each year.

  19. Question: How does the activity inh a school contribute to or detract from its purpose?

    Quote: "Education is simply the soul of society as it passes from one generation to another." -Gilbert K. Chesterton

    Fact: The average child will spend more than 7,000 hours in elementary school (including kindergarten) by the end of sixth grade.

  20. Question: How do you find the balance of challenging the students, making sure all follow, and not letting any slide by or fall through cracks? How do you make sure the students are getting what they need?

    Quote: "Expecting all children the same age to learn from the same materials is like expecting all children the same age to wear the same size clothing." -Madeline Hunter

    Fact: "In a 2005 survey of nearly 1,500 recent graduates, "just 24% of graduates said they were challenged during high school. Twenty percent of these high school graduates said the expectations were low and it was easy to slide by."

  21. Quote: "Because students' actions are limited by space, material resources, and the amount of teacher attention they can command, there are definite limits on their freedom in class.

    Question: The text discusses the roles of a teacher (gatekeeping, supply dispensing, granting of special privelages, timekeeping). How important is the role of "nurturer" when it comes to teaching?

    Fact: An elementary school teacher engages in as many as one thousand interpersonal interchanges a day.

  22. Question: Do you think you have received schooling or education or both?

    Quote: “All of us have two educations: one which we receive from others; another, and the most valuable, which we give ourselves.”

    Fact: Making goals is important to develop students personal growth.

  23. fact: "By the time the average high school student graduates, they will have spent 44,000 hours in school." (textbook, page 30)

    quote: "I have never let my schooling interfere with my eduaction."
    Mark Twain

    question: What does school mean to you?

  24. Chapter 2
    What does the purpose of school determine?

    "All of us have two educations: one which we receive from others; another, and the most valuable, which we give ourselves."
    John Randolph

    Schools are created for the express purpose of delivering a certain type of educational experience, which we call the curriculum.
