Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spring 10 Ch. 8 Posts

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. Crystel Walsh

    EDU 202 / 203 -- MWSU -- Spring 2010 -- Dr. Hendrix

    Assignment: Chpt. 8; Due: Wednesday, February 24, 2010

    1. Ethics are, in theory, black & white. Yet, in practicality, very gray. What may be ethical to one may not be to another. So, how do I know when I’ve overstepped my ethical boundary? Can common sense (which is not so common) help assist when contemplating ethical behavior, or am I as a teacher more protected and at less risk following guidelines and rulebooks for ethics set by school administrators? If I am accused of inappropriate ethical conduct, what rights do I have in defending myself? Should I keep my attorney on standby? [An aside note: Also, what ever happen to “Spare the rod and spoil the child”?!? In my personal opinion, much misbehavior would be corrected and problems reconciled if spankings and punishment were put back into the equation. Note, I support discipline out of love, not abuse! To allow misbehavior is abusing the wrongfully accused. Why abuse and punish society and its well-behaved citizens for the wrongful actions of the guilty party and allow the guilty to continue in such a destructive manner?!! We’ve done that, now let’s try something new b/c obviously it’s not working. Insanity – repetitiveness in behaviors/actions and expecting various/different results. Sanity defines fixing the problem.] (Txtbk. Chpt. 8)

    2. “Living up to basic ethical standards in the classroom – discipline, tolerance, honesty – is one of the important ways children learn how to function in society at large.” -Eloise Salholz (Txtbk. p. 245, Chpt. 8)

    3. Until about forty years ago, teachers who publicly criticized administrators’ decisions or school board policies received little sympathy from judges. (Txtbk. p. 258, Chpt. 8)

  2. Question: According to the right of free expression, can a teacher say anything or teach anything?

    Quote: "Living up to basic ethical standards in the classroom-- discipline, tolerance, honesty-- is one of the important ways children learn how to function in society at large."

    Fact: Recently, the U.S. department of education sent to U.S. schools a useful publication, entitled, "A guide to safe schools," that stresses prevention but also offers helpful strategies for building good relationships with students.

  3. Should teachers be held responsible for accidents that happen in their classrooms?

    Quote:"It is easy to be brave from a safe distance." -Aesop

    Fact: Until the mid-twentieth century, religious observances, including Bible reading and prayer, were common in the public schools. P.266

  4. Question: If incidents happen in the hallway (fights, accidents, or something resulting from careless behavior), who is liable? I know teachers often have hall duty, but you still can't always see "everything" that goes on.

    Quote: Teaching about religion is not the same as teaching someone to be religious. In our multicultural, multiethnic society, understanding another person's faith will foster tolerance and harmony, a goal common to all religions.
    - Margaret Bartley

    Fact: Ethical teaching has six specific characteristics: Appreciation for moral deliberation, empathy, knowledge, reasoning, courage, and interpersonal skills.

  5. Question: Do you think that prayer should be allowed within a school?

    Quote: "It is easy to be brave from a safe distance." - Aesop p.240

    Fact: 81% of U.S. students acknowledged that they were the subjects of sexual harassment at some time during their school lives. p. 282

  6. Question: If a student who doesnt have any interest in school and only shows up because he/she has to, how effective is out-of-school suspension on the "troublemakers" in class when his/her parents are careless also?

    Quote: 'It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.' -AESOP

    Fact: One-forth of the girls and one-tenth of reported being harassed by a school employee.

  7. Question:

    Does teaching ever feel more like babysitting? The troublemakers would seem to make classroom atmosphere a drag and unbearable sometimes.


    Again, "It is easy to be brave from a distance." But is distance really the key to unlocking some troublemakers behavior patterns or ways to stopping the bad behavior?


    It is the teacher's responsibility to report any injuries a student attains whether it's physical or emotions and the circumstances of which the injuries occured.

  8. Quote: "It is easy to be brave from a safe distance." -AESOP

    Fact: Around 80% of students claim they have been subject to harrassment at sometime.

    Question: Do you think that teachers should have to go through an intense mental evaluation to see if they are fit to take care of children?

  9. Quote: "Living up to basic ethical standards in the classroom-discipline, tolerance, honsety-is one of the important ways children learn how to function in society at large."-Eloise Salholz

    Fact: Courts have found that policies under which school personnel systematically spot-check lockers in hunt for drugs, weapons, or other illicit materials violate students' rights under the Fourth Amendment and, therefore, are illegal.

    Question: To what degree do you believe that a teacher's personal life should be truly private?

  10. Quote: "If you wish to know who a man is, place him in authority." -Yugoslav Proverb

    Fact: To be considered a legally enforceable document, a contract must do the following: Have a lawful subject matter. Represent a meeting of the minds of both parties. Include an exchange of something of value. Be entered into by parties who are competent to do so. Be written in proper form.

    Question: Are there any instances in which you think a teacher's freedom of expression should be limited?

  11. -Do you think that its a good thing for schools to have dress codes?

    -"Meeting at the flag" for morning prayer is one way students integrate their religious beliefs with their schooling.

    -"It is easy to be brave from a safe distance." -AESOP pg 240

  12. What DO teachers turn to when they have students who have no want to be in the classroom and learn - especially when the parents are not concerned either?

    "It is easy to be brave from a safe distance." -AESOP

    -in loco parentis: the responsibility of the teacher to function "in the place of the parent" when a student is in school (the principle of what much of the legal authority of teachers used to be based on).

  13. Chapter 8
    How do due process and liability relate to teachers work?

    "Living up to basic ethical standards in the classroom is one of the important ways children learn how to function in society at large."
    Eloise Salholz

    Teachers must be vigilant about possible abuse of their students pg 257

  14. fact: The Supreme Court has regulary refused to rule on corporal punishment, leaving the issue up to the states. In 1979, only two states had banned corporal punishment in public schools. Today, twenty-eigh states prohibit it. (txtbk. pg.237)

    quote:"It is easy to be brave from a safe distance."

    question: Do you think reciting a prayer in a public school should or should not be allowed? Why or why not?

  15. Question:What actions do you take if there are signs of emotional abuse but not physical abuse

    Quote:"If you wish to know whoa male is, place him in authority."p. 238

    Fact:Drug dogs have become more popular in the school setting today.
