Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spring 10 Ch. 5 Posts

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. Crystel Walsh

    EDU 202 / 203 -- MWSU -- Spring 2010 -- Dr. Hendrix

    Assignment: Chpt. 5; Due: Monday, February 8, 2010

    1. No child left behind… The majority of high school graduates cannot count back change from a cash register and/or mentally compute money swap transactions, balance her/his checkbook, accurately read a tape measure, or competently spell. These embarrassing and astonishing lack of abilities amongst U.S. graduates clearly indicates that in the world race for knowledge and education, the U.S. is being left behind; no American child gets ahead! Is the system being structured toward a ‘dummy-proof’ lesson plan? Can teachers not deviate from legislative game and teach the essentials and fundamentals for successful everyday survival? How can anyone be expected to know Trigonometry and Calculus without basic math skills? Will it take another generation like the ‘60s to conform curriculum and content standards back to the basics? And, what’s up w/ this word-recognition… hooked on PHONICS works… that’s the point; how can someone be expected to SOUND-OUT (figure-out) a word they’ve never seen and clearly don’t RECOGNIZE… come on people!?! (Txtbk. Chpt. 5)

    2. “The arts are the rainforests of society. They produce the oxygen of freedom, and they are the early warning system when freedom is in danger.” -June Wayne, Artist (Txtbk. p. 135, Chpt. 5)

    3. Programs in the arts have traditionally tended to emphasize the creation of an art object or the development of a performance. More recently, newer programs have emphasized aesthetic education and art as a way of knowing and perceiving the world. (Txtbk. p. 135, Chpt. 5)

  2. If looping benefits both the teachers and students why isn't it done more often?

    Quote: "Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way a car is driven."
    -Edward De Bono

    Fact: The relevance of the schools'curricula to individual and societal problems is a continually debated issue. (p.125)

  3. Question: What would the advantages of "looping" be? Disadvantages?

    Quotes: "The arts are the rain forests of society. They produce the oxygen of freedom, and they are the early warning system when freedom is in danger." - June Wayne

    Fact: There are three different types of cooperative learning: group goals, individual goals, and equal opportunities for success.

  4. Is a interdisciplinary curriculum better than a core curriculum or the reverse?

    "Humanity's survival does not depend on reducing differences to a common identity, but on learning to live creatively with differences." - Anonymous

    Although just 42 percent of all high school students are enrolled in a general education track, nearly two out of three high school dropouts come from that track.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Question: If the curriculum we choose for our school to follow will effect our future then, why don't all schools have the same curriculum to ensure a prosperous and noble future?

    Quote: "Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is seperate from the way the car is driven."
    - Edward De Bono

    Fact: Although just 42 percent of all high school students are enrolled in a general education track, nearly two out of three high school dropouts come from that track.

  7. Quote:

    Education ... has produced a vast population able to read but enable to distinguish what is worth reading.


    Should the teacher get to choose what is taught of stick to the state mandations?


    In 1991, the US Department of Labor issued the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills [SCANS], report which calls for high school students to develop a set of higher competencies and a foundation of skills to be better prepared for the world of work.

  8. Question: Do you think block scheduling is a good approach to take?

    Quote: "All that is taught is a commitment to what is thought valuable."
    -R.S. Peters

    Fact: Textbooks, whether in paper or electronic form, are one of the major determinants of U.S. elementary and secondary school curricula, and that situation does not appear to change in the near future.

  9. Question: The fact that textbooks to some degree form a national curriculum indicates that they are used in almost every school district and in almost every subject. Are textbooks always the best tool for teaching a class?

    Quote: The arts are the rainforests of society. They produce the oxygen of freedom, and they are the early warning sign when freedom is in danger.

    Fact: Only 35 percent of 12th graders read at the proficient or advance level.

  10. Question: Do you think all schools should teach a core curriculum?

    Quote: "Humanity's survival does not depend on reducing differences to a common identity, but on learning to live creatively with differences."

    Interesting Fact: The most basic function of all education is to increase survival changes of the human community.

  11. Does the social studies curriculum focus too much on foreign countries' history? Should more focus be put on issues/history of America?

    "Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven." -Edward De Bono, British Physician and Author

    An average of only 41 percent of secondary school time needs to be devoted to core academic work to earn a high school diploma. (page 142)

  12. Question: American students are behind the learning curve according to our reading. What changes to the educational system needs to be made to fix the issue?

    Quote: Humantity's survival does not depend on reducing differences to a common identity, but on learning to live creatively with differences. pg. 155

    Fact: A large number of students never study algrebra (40 percent), geometry (30 percent), advanced algrebra (40 percent), other advanced mathematics (80 percent), chemistry (45 percent), or physics (75 percent). pg 141

  13. - What are some things that teachers should be culturally literate about?
    - Young children particularly benefit from the use of hands-on manipulatives to buld basic understanding in mathematics.
    - "Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a care is separate from the way the car is driven." -Edward DeBono pg149

  14. Question: So many studnets complain about certain subjects or classroom tasks. As future educators how do you think we can encourage positive attitudes about school and learning?

    Fact: Approximately 44% of all students in U.S. public highschool are enrolled in a foreign language course. With spanish and french being the most popular languaes taken.

    Quote: "A mile wide and an inch deep." This is how researchers have charecterized the U.S. mathematics and science curricula.

  15. Question- What is it about our country that we are not keeping up with other industrial nations?

    Fact- 80% students haven't studied physics. 45% chemistry and 80% other mathematics.

    Quote- "Compared with the academic performances of students from other developed countries, U.S. students have tended to have average or below-average results. "

  16. Question: Do you think it is better to have block scheduling or hour classes everyday?

    Quote: "The arts are the rain forests of society. They produce the oxygen of freedom, and they are the early warning system when freedom is in danger." - June Wayne

    Fact: Only 41% of secondary school time has to be devoted to core academic work graduate.

  17. Question: What is better to have a curriculum to follow or not ?

    Quotes: "The arts are the rain forests of society. They produce the oxygen of freedom, and they are the early warning system when freedom is in danger." - June Wayne

    Fact: Although just 42 percent of all high school students are enrolled in a general education track.

  18. Question: Should more that whats in the curriculum be taught to students?

    Quote: "Any subject can be taught effeciently in some intellectually honest form to any child at any stage of development." - Jerome Bruner p.151

    Fact: 42% of high school students are enrolled in a general education track, and nearly 2 out of 3 high school dropouts come from that track. p.125

  19. - Since National and international assesments show that by high school, students often fall behind in learning science and mathematics, what are some ways we can improve the students learning in these subjects?

    - "Humanity's survival does not depend on reducing differences to a common identity, but on learning to live creatively with differences."
    pg 155

    Although just 42 percent of all high school students are enrolled in a gernal education track, nearly two out of three high school dropouts come from that track.

  20. Question:Does the current curriculum of U.S. schools reflect our national diversity to the exclusion of our national unity?

    Quote:"Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skiller thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven."-Edward De Bono

    Fact: Compared with the academic performances of students from other developed countries, U.S. stundents have tended to have average or below average results.

  21. Question: How can we "raise the standards" of what we teach of students, so that they might competively compete with other developed countries that seem to be "leaving us behind"?

    Fact: Compared with the acedemic performances of students from other developed countries, US studetns have tended to have average or below-average results.

    Quote: Humanity's survival does not depend on reducing differences to a common identity but on learning to live creatively with differences.

  22. Question: How important is it to have an administration that writes the curriculum for the district's teachers? Would it have a positive impact on the educational unity of a district?

    Quote: "All that is taught is a commitment to what is thought valuable." -R.S. Peters

    Fact: Approximately 44% of students in the U.S. school districts are enrolled in a foreign language course.

  23. Question:How important is curriculum... do you think your curriculum will be the same every year you teach or will you change it to fit your students... would there be a lower drop out rate?

    Quote: “All that is taught is a commitment to what is thought valuable.” -R.S. Peters, Expert on Moral Education

    Fact:A movement has now been growing in the school systems, “writing across the curriculum”, it uses writing as a tool for student learning; this is not only being used in English class but in all subject areas. p.149

  24. fact: "Many teachers seem to like the block schedules because they have fewer students each term; as a result, they get to know these students better." (textbook, page 154)

    quote: "Humanity's survival does not depend on reducing differences to a common identity, but on learning to live creatively with differences."

    question: Do you think looping is a good thing allowed in schools?

  25. Chapter 5
    Is the existing curriculum relevant to today's society?

    "One looks back to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child."
    Carl Jung

    Career and technical education provides a foundation of skills that allow students to be gainfully employed after graduation.
