Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spring 10 Ch. 15 Posts

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. Crystel Walsh

    EDU 202 / 203 -- MWSU -- Spring 2010 -- Dr. Hendrix

    Assignment: Chpt. 15; Due: Wednesday, March 31, 2010

    1. The world’s popular perception of being a professional entails wearing expensive suites/ensembles/clothing, spending too much for lunch w/ clients who would have been loyal either way, and pretending ownership of materialistic possessions beyond that which is needed… professionalism is thought of as an ideological expression of status and looks. Contrary to this, however, is the true meaning of professionalism. Of course looks do matter along w/ good hygiene, but the greatest definition of a professional is responsibility, dedication, and a high-level of commitment to that which you profess. Now, having said that, I have a confession… I’m a blue-jean-kinda-girl. For me, one of the most unattractive features to teaching is the dress code. Why, if I’m dressed in nice, clean blue jeans, am I less effective as a teacher than if I were wearing a three-piece suit? In my opinion, I’m not. In fact, I feel more comfortable and b/c of that can focus more on my job at hand, therefore, increasing my level of productivity and quality of work. Also, I think wearing ‘jeans’ helps relate to the students more. They, typically, no longer feel intimidated but, instead, more at ease; thereby, helping them to concentrate and learn at a greater pace in both quality and quantity. After all, the brain is not concerned w/ the lastest socially acceptable trend, but rather of knowledge, education, and intellectual stimulation. So, let’s change that stupid ‘ole dress code, and LET ME WEAR MY BLUE JEANS!!! I don’t need formal dress attire to achieve respect and discipline in my classroom, but I DO need that common language and understanding in order to speak more effectively w/ them… blue jeans have every potential to break communication barriers… so, I’m going to wear my blue jeans, okay?! Okay! :) Yeah, right! :) (Txtbk. Chpt. 15)

    2a. “The more we know, the more we want to know; when we know enough, we know how much we don’t know.” -Carol Orlock, Teacher and Novelist (Txtbk. p. 517, Chpt. 15)

    2b. “If one is going to change things, one has to make a fuss and catch the eye of the world.” -Elizabeth Janeway, Novelist and Feminist (Txtbk. p. 507, Chpt. 15)

    3. Seeking more for our students and our own practice is not considered a sign of weakness or a stigma by all of those scary veterans; it’s simply part of being a professional. (Txtbk. p. 520, Chpt. 15)

  2. Chapter 15
    What is the essence of a career in teaching?

    "The only way to keep our kids foolproof is to keep them away from fools." Will Rogers

    It is important to remember that parents are your students first teacher pg 497

  3. Teachers spend an average of $458 of their own money on school supplies to make up for the limited budgets of their schools. P.499

    "If one is going to change things, one has to make a fuss and catch the eye of the world". Elizabeth Janeway

    Do most schools have mentors?

  4. Question: What can you do to meet INTASC standards as a beginning teacher?

    Quote: " A professional is someone who can do his best when he doesn't feel like it."
    -Alistair Cooke

    Fact: According to a recent survey, teachers even spend an average of $458 of their own money on school supplies and instructional materials each year to make up for the limited budgets in their own schools.

  5. Question: What is the easiest and most efficent way to handle a conflict between yourself and colleagues? Do more experienced teachers tend to look down on the new teachers, always critiquing him or her?

    Quote: "The only way to keep our kids fool-proof is to keep them away from fools."
    - Will Rodgers

    Fact: The NEA has some 14,000 local affiliate chapters in approimately 80 percent of the nation's school districts.

  6. Question: If NEA and AFT are so similar, why don't they combine so all teachers can be in the same union?

    Quote: "A professional is someone who can do his best when he doesn't feel like it." - Alister Cooke

    Fact: The NBPTS is dedicated to and directed by 5 core propositions: 1) Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach these subjects to students 2) Teachers are commited to their students and their learning 3) Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring students learning 4) Reachers think systemically about their practice and learning from experience 5) Teachers are members of a learning community.

  7. Quote: "The only way to keep our kids foolproof is to keep them away from fools." - Will Rogers

    Fact:NBPTS Certification means a salary bonus for those teachers so designated. The amount awaeded varies by school distric and state. Currently, teachers who achieve board certification and teach in "high need" schools in California receive a one-time bonus of 20,000.

    Question: Do you think that board certified teachers have more credability, than if they were not board certified?

  8. I know that the book lists many reasons as to why teaching may not be considered a profession, but I still don't see how teaching isn't a profession. Do you believe that teaching is a profession?

    "The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first, our own increase of knowledge; second, to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others." -John Locke, English Philosopher

    Teachers spend an average of $458 of their own money on school supplies & instructional materials each year to make up for the budget cuts in their own schools. (page 499)

  9. Question: Why are teachers in society not a big deal like other professions?

    Quote: "If one is going to change things, one has to make a fuss and catch the eye of the world." -Elizabeth Janeway

    Fact: The teaching profession is still evolving, and much depends on its capacity to maintain the public's trust.

  10. -"The only way to keep our kids fool proof is to keep them away from fool."-Will Rogers

    -Teachers have become more powerful in recent years, but they don't have the same kinds of power that members of some other professions have.

    -How to you stay professional when situations get out of control?

  11. Fact: Teachers have to spend a lot of their own money on supplies due to budget cuts.

    Quote:"The only way to keep our kids fool proof is to keep them away from fools."- Will Rogers

    Question: How can you handle another faculty member who may be causing you problems

  12. Quote: "If one is going to change things, one has to make a fuss and catch the eye of the world."- Elizabeth Janeway p.507

    Fact: Teachers spend an average of $458 of their own money each year on supplies for their classrooms.

    Question: Do you think that teachers need a professional organization?

  13. Quote: "The only way to keep our kids foolproof is to keep them away from fools."

    Fact: Teachers will often times spend their own money to buy materials that isn't covered in the schools budget.

    Question: Without teachers where would other professions such as doctors be?

  14. Question: The book mentions that teachers have "a rather short period of specialized training." However, they are strongly encouraged to obtain a master's degree. Would not requiring specialist or doctorate degrees when teachers recieve relatively small saliries cause less people to pursue the career? Would this smaller pool of applicants not ultimately weaken the quality of teachers?

    Quote: "A profesional is someone who can do hsi best when he doesn't feel like it."

    Fact: Slightly more than 55,000 teachers from all fifty states have ahcieved board certification.

  15. In the nineteenth century, two of teachers' duties were to fill the oil lamps and clean the chimney every day, and to bring a bucket of water and a scattle of coal for the day's lessons.

    "The only way to keep our kids foolproof is to keep them away from fools." Will Rogers

    In what ways could we turn schools into learning organizations?

  16. - Do teachers often disagree with each other?

    - Quote: "A professional is someone who can do his best when he doesn't feel like it." - Alister Cooke

    - Teachers have to often spend their own money on supplies.

  17. Quote:"If one is going to change things, one has to make a fuss and catch the eye of the world."-Elizabeth Janeway

    Question: Does the idea of working toward board certification appeal to you?

    Fact: One out of four practicing teachers fit the definition of "one who is philosophically, emotionally, and spiritually committed."

  18. Question: How do we as teachers get the respect that other professions (doctors) get?

    Quote: "The only way to keep our kids foolproof is to keep them away from fools." Will Rogers pg 493

    Fact: In the nineteenth century, two of teachers' duties were to fill the oil lamps and clean the chimney each day, and to bring a bucket of water and a scuttle of coal for the day's session. pg 492
